Trial & Error

FDT - 2017 It’s kinda sad the world doesn’t allow for trial and error anymore, it demands perfection. But in most cases even that isn’t enough. I know that for me trial and error is the only way to learn anything. I’ve learned that my first impressions are not always the best; and that without trying and trying again, you learn nothing. Sadly enough some don’t even want to try. They are either paralyzed by fear or shear laziness or both. Life cannot be lived without connection; isolation only breeds an inward withdrawal that benefits no one. And, I should know because I’ve lived it. FD Thornton - 2017 I suppose what I’m saying here is, without at least trying, how are you ever going to know. Like what you’re good at or what makes your passions burn. A lot of people like the things, I for one write and do photography, two things which I love to do. FD Thornton - 2017 The thing is if you don’t work at it my passion f...