What We Want

Have you noticed more and more political ads popping up lately? Lord knows I have. I mean, whoever created the mute button on the TV remote deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. I suppose it wouldn’t bother me so much if the campaign season don’t last two years. But it is what it is, besides if it helps pay the salary of my local weatherperson than so be it. We’ll promise people anything if it gets us your way. Rather it’s promising to not stay out too late when we hang out with the boys. Or promising a country we’ll drain the swamp if we get elected. We will say or do anything to get what we want. Listen I’m as guilty of this as anyone, just ask my wife. And while most of us make empty promises nearly every day, the person we are most often disappointing is ourselves. I got a little friend that coaches individuals in achieve weight loss and other positive life goals. Her story is incredible, about how she overcame a life of crap to achieve her goals. But the thing she runs into th...