Pray, If You Must

It’s a little nippy this morning, but that’s because a steady breeze is blowing again. Listening to the wind rustling through the leaves, I’m reminded how lucky I am. I live in a quiet neighborhood, got myself a garden plot, and the rent's cheap. While I may not be able to afford hot water and the kitchen sink keeps stopping up. But the good usually balances out the bad most of the time. I’m not much into religion anymore; but I do revere nature. While our cognitive minds may see unfairness and cruelty. Nature has its balance. Forest fires bring about new growth, floods often replenish ground water, and death often nourishes life. I used to see the world as a cruel and inhumane place. But in hindsight I now see the beauty and symmetry of it all. If anything, it’s the enlightened element of man that has thrown the world out of whack. So as the wind brings about change, let us all be reminded. Balance works out itself in nature. But it is often the interference of ...