Feeling the Breeze

After a rainy night I got up this morning to a really beautiful day. I’m enjoying the outside while I can, Mr. Brown just drove by with his lawnmower so I’m sure he’ll be over here pretty soon. Meanwhile we got a steady breeze a going, I got the laundry on the clothesline, and I picked up the fallen limbs from last night’s storm. There ain’t much my mind right now, had a pleasant conversation with my adopted big sis last night. Catching each other up what’s going on here and back home. 

So I don’t have any moral lesson or rant to speak of, I’m just sitting here grateful that I can enjoy the yard. Just watching the pollen fall from the trees, grateful that Mother Earth still shows us balance in an otherwise unbalanced world. But it’s easy to be reflective and grateful when the world is standing still. When all the busyness we create suddenly stops, and all we are left with is ourselves. 

I can’t tell you how to spend your moments. I’m not going to beat you over the head with a righteous wooden spoon. Believe me, I know better. Your life is your own to live. All I can do is maybe lead by example. To show that human nature is a tricky thing. That heartache and loneliness are real. That self-doubt is just a part of living. At the moment I’m watching the essential personal go about their day, as I sit here under the shade and just feeling the breeze. 


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