
Showing posts from September, 2014

Doesn't Mean You Should

The full title of this post was going to be, just because you can say something stupid, doesn't mean you should. If I had wrote all that, then there wouldn't have been a point to the blog now would there? Still, for us whom are not at a loss for words, it can be sage advice.  In my 50+ ages of life on this earth, I've put my foot in my mouth way more times than I'd care to repeat. Maybe that's why I feel much more focused when I write because, it slows me down and condenses my thoughts to  readable sentences. Instead of the hog wash that mostly flows from hearing my own self speak. But that said,  I continue on and on.  But for many out there the urge to say or write things we really shouldn't, is an idea that's lost on us. Now I don't mean to trample on anyones first amendment right to speak their mind. Still as the long title to this states, just because can, doesn't mean you should. Words spoken out of anger are usually met with words ...

Pushing to Tomorrow

You ever hear yourself say, "today was bad, but tomorrow it'll get better." You can look at that sentence two ways. First, as an optimistic statement that the next day things will be better. Or second you can say, I'm giving on this day, I'll do better tomorrow, which to me sounds a little defeatist.  To be honest with you, I have spent way too many days doing both; looking for a brighter tomorrow or simply giving up on the day.  To tell you the truth, either one of those ideas has showed me much promise and here's why. To go through a bad day and hope for a better tomorrow sounds optimistic, but in reality it's not much better then giving up. I've said both of these things way too many times only to end up with tomorrow turning into the previous day, bad.  You see you have to look at the moment you are living in and no matter what you see, do your best to get something out of the day. You know, there have been times when I've said, "I qui...

Maybe I Shouldn't Say

Like most of you, I'm having a pretty loaded day. Working on research for my class finals and putting the final touches on a marketing plan, have left my head spinning a bit. Well I stopped for a moment to find myself ( I think it fell on the floor and rolled under the desk ) and checked my emails.  As some of you may have figured out I meditate and practice mindfulness, which if your browser catches wind of it. It notifies every site that practices some form of mental focus ( see the money, be the money ) , access to your email account. Today was not a good day to load my inbox with "hocus focus" junk, still there it was. Nearly every guru with an plan promising me eternal joy and wealth if I subscribe sitting there staring at me.   Please, don't get me wrong. From my own life journey I've discovered taking a moment to be in the here and now refocuses you to what is going. That obsessing about the past or future only...

Measuring Success

I bet you have read just as much as I have, if not more, about being and/or measuring ones success. My reading on the subject has ranged from success is the gateway to destruction. To the only way to live life is to be as successful as you can be. But just what is success and how should we achieve it?  Personally, I'm kinda torn between the two lines of thought I mentioned above. Where you do your best but remember success isn't everything. I guess I could end my discussion on that note and say we're done. But somehow that train of thought seems incomplete. For someone who publicly struggles with inner demons as I do. To simply say do your best and provide for those you love, may seem simple enough to do. But with the inner struggles of doubt, fear, and inadequacy, even the simplest of philosophies get bogged down in an unending ocean of self deprecation. Recently I was introduced to Impostor Syndrome a condition where a person may seem succ...

Your Display Window

Rather we admit it or not, each of us has a display window. A store front display that we put out for the buying public to see. Our window maybe neat and tidy, it maybe together and confident, but no matter how put together it is, it only shows what we want it too. In a way that's too bad, to have to our lives that way, with only what others want to see on display.  For many, many years I lived with a display window. A window while not quite perfect, it still reflected intelligence, strength, sharp wit, and a joy of life. What it didn't show was the fear, the anxiety, the insecurity, and dread of failing others, failing myself, and failing at life.  Such feelings of being unworthy and not good enough, are hard to shake quickly. But building displays, now that is quite easy to do, with the right paint and paper mache. Still with the ease that it is to make, it's a false front that's easily torn down.  So Am I asking everyone to let ...

Let The Hair Go With The Hide

Being from South Georgia and growing up in a charming antebellum city like Savannah. You grow up hearing phases my Northern and West Coast friends don't quite understand. I remember a number of years back I attended a technical school to learn the electrical trade. One of the extra courses we had to take other than wiring was Business English.  During my whole time in that class, I always thought it a bit funny that this instructor was doing her best to make proper english speaking  ladies  and  gentleman  , out of a class full of redneck boys and girls. Who were there to only learn how to be beauticians, electricians, and welders, not lords of the manor. Still it is important to try and have good diction when speaking at an executive level. But at the same time grandma would warn us to " never act above your raisin '." But, I do have one question, I'm I the only person out here that can't Google Voice to understand a word I sa...