Freestyle #463 - All Hallows Eve
This is another freestyle so let's see what comes out day. Bear with me as I ramble on and see let's see what I'm really thinking on the fly. Thankfully, the weekend ended with some sports and I didn't have to bury myself in the heated debate that's going on everywhere. A lot of folks on the 24/7 news cycles tell us that the end is near one way or the other. I also heard that some hospitals are silencing debates by patients to keep stress-levels down. I cannot say that I'm immune from the stresses that this political season has caused. I'd like to say that things are no worse than in the past, but in this 24/7 information cycle in which we live it begs to differ. I believe the human animal is a very social, tribal creature. When times call for it we are very susceptible to mob mentality, which can either go toward the good or the bad. If you think about it this explains why so many subscribe to suspect or poor ideas about others. Critical thought can b...