More Balanced Focus

Good morning everyone. To be honest I slept pretty well last night, I got about 7 hours in which is really good for me.  As far as the other two or so hours I simply lay in bed looked at my morning paper and then sorta meditated. When I say sorta meditated I mean I lay there focused on my breathing and just relaxed. To say I was just going back to sleep would be a lie; because as I lay there I was very much aware of what was going on around me. I just let whatever thoughts were floating around drift away. That might not be meditation in the literal sense but hey it works for me.

Another pleasant surprise I got this morning was Amazon KDP sent my payment from book sales and reading this quarter. It's not Stephen King $$$ but hey, at least I can say I'm a paid author. (Don't worry, I'm laughing too.) When you think about it when you are in stressful situations like we all are at this point. By allowing your mind to focus on the good things you see during the day the positive thoughts you have start to add up. 

You know what I mean, silly shit like having a really great cup of coffee in the morning. Walking by a playground and hearing the unabated laughter of the children or getting through a task at work without an interruption. We spend so much time focusing on the bad and the ugly; we tend to forget what is good. All I'm saying is maybe if we spend more time looking at the good in life instead of focusing exclusively on the bad. Then maybe, just maybe our mindset will change and things will come into a more balanced focus.


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