That New Keyboard Smell
A few months ago my trusty old laptop bit the dust, losing all
the data I had on it. While I did save some things to the cloud, a lot of
personal notes and pictures simply got lost. I replaced the laptop with a
refurbished desktop (in part because I’m
cheap, but mostly because I’m broke). And the keyboard that came with it
was an old school “clackers” with the keys so high I was constantly hitting the
wrong keys. So you oldest kid getting tired of hearing me complain about that damn keyboard went ahead and
ordered me a new one.
After a week of waiting the little booger finally came in
this morning. It’s smaller than the one that came with the PC, but it has a similar
feel to my laptop. The keys are low and spaced few enough apart to keep my fat
fingers from striking two keys at once. It’s not perfect, but it sure as hell bets
the old one.
A lot of times we put up with stuff that simply makes our
lives miserable. Annoyances that in our perfect little worlds that are a chore
to put up with. In my world the annoyance was that little keyboard. I don’t
think it would take each of us very long to make a list of the things that annoy
us. I know for me I raddle them off every day, just ask my oldest. Life puts a
lot of pressure on us all as it is, allowing silly little things to pile on top
of that is nonsense.
It would be simple enough for me to say, “Just let it go”; but if I said that to
the right person, I’d probably get a chair thrown at me. To avoid the occasional
chair toss the smart thing to do would be to make things better for yourself.
There are too many constructive ways to fix life’s little imperfections. If it’s
something within you look for support to break the habit and create healthier
ones. If it’s a piece of equipment or an interoffice procedure, speak up and
work to fix the problem.
Mumbling and complaining about something usually doesn’t get
things done as well as having an open dialog about it. Voicing your concerns at
a civil tone should make the case for change stronger. Don’t allow other people
or things distract you from the goals you have set for yourself. Take the time
to compose yourself and take the higher ground to solving the issue.
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