Hot Water

I had just finished my shower and I was drying off by the fan, when a thought occurred to me. We only have maybe a month of showers left before sponge bath season. You see after the temperature gets steadily below 80°, that cool shower can get mighty cold. Like I’ve said before we live with a few “modern conveniences”. For one no hot water (I’m a bad credit risk to the gas company). Two, the wiring in this house is old and erratic at best. So you don’t overtax the electrical system, meaning it’s very, very dark even with the lights on. I wish I could afford a better place, but even the cheapest rent elsewhere is twice what I pay. I’d tell what our household income is, but you’d probably want start a go fund me page. I suppose I could be bitter or pissed off about our current situation, as so many millions of working poor. But what’s the point? I have just so much energy to spare and I’d rather us it constructively either working the garden or writing a book. Besides for every min...