Us, Them
Over the last several years the divide between this group or that group in society has grown wider and wider. The strides that society had appeared to make in years past, now seem to have been thrown out with the bathwater. Now I’m not without my own prejudices, but at the same time I’ve learned when to hold my tongue and give the other fellow a chance to speak. It seems as a society we’ve forgotten how to do that, to be respectful and understand that others opinions do matter.
Recently a special election was held in the area, and in one of the candidate’s TV ads he mentioned to the viewers, “I’m one of you”. That small statement stuck out to me like a sore thumb. I’m sure the candidate only meant to identify with the voters. But for me it brought up images of how individuals throughout history have used division to create fear, anger, and hatred.
You know we are better than this, this nation was built on the foundation that all are created equal. That this foundation was to be built upon those rights not to be taken down. Just as our forefathers recognized slavery had to end and that women have equal rights under the law. To look at another human as less than equal is not our way.
But for whatever reason we allow ourselves to sink back to name calling and insults, instead of having an open and honest dialogue about our differences. I’m not here trying to change how you feel about government or morality. What I am saying is we are a community of people who desire to live free. That in order to do that we have to respect each other's beliefs and choices in a civil society. So let's put away the language that divides and remember we each part of a greater community.
Recently a special election was held in the area, and in one of the candidate’s TV ads he mentioned to the viewers, “I’m one of you”. That small statement stuck out to me like a sore thumb. I’m sure the candidate only meant to identify with the voters. But for me it brought up images of how individuals throughout history have used division to create fear, anger, and hatred.
You know we are better than this, this nation was built on the foundation that all are created equal. That this foundation was to be built upon those rights not to be taken down. Just as our forefathers recognized slavery had to end and that women have equal rights under the law. To look at another human as less than equal is not our way.
But for whatever reason we allow ourselves to sink back to name calling and insults, instead of having an open and honest dialogue about our differences. I’m not here trying to change how you feel about government or morality. What I am saying is we are a community of people who desire to live free. That in order to do that we have to respect each other's beliefs and choices in a civil society. So let's put away the language that divides and remember we each part of a greater community.
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