Picking yourself up

Most of us have had some defining moments in our lives that shaped who we are. Some of these moments are good (marriage, birth of a child) some not so good (divorce, death of a loved one). Either way, it is these turns in life that can shape us as we grow older.

For many years I knew I had some talents that I was given. One being what you see here and others more analylical and far-sighted. But I never put these talents to many use. I only did what was required of me, mostly for fear of rejection and being laughed out of the room. 

These haunts, as I call them, are painful reminders of hurts and torment I received in childhood.   And sometimes they still haunt me today. But this is about defining moments and one of those for me was my marriage to my wife and the birth of our children. It was these events that seemed to create a change within me. To make me want to become a better person.

Now these changes did not come over night, in fact it took many years to happen, and it still is happening. I don't really want o get into what I think happened to me. Cause in a lot of ways, I really don't know. All I can say is look at that moment and think what about what you mean to yourself and others. Even if the moment was a bad thing, ask yourself, "how do I move from this?" 

I know it seems like I am rambling here, but that's my style. My point here is things happen, and it's up to use to find the truth within it for us. So don't spent too much time buried, look at things as they are, and improve yourself from there. 


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