
Showing posts from December, 2012

Touch of Frost

Over the last few weeks there's been a touch of frost in the air. Although, I haven't really seen any on the ground to speak of, I can definitely feel it in the wind. It's about this time when you know that winter is at the door. The wind is cool, the leaves are all but gone, and the time for nature to rest is happening everywhere.  The good Lord gave us four seasons for a reason. A time to wake-up, a time to grow, a time to reap, and a time to rest. Each has it's place in the world me live on. Not only to do the job God has given them, but to let us know there is a point in life for everything. That throughout our existence there is a time for all things. I know there are songs and scriptures that tell us these things. But, sometimes while feeling a touch of frost on our faces, we are reminded again. That all life is a journey, and that it flows through it's seasons in the passage of time. Were we awaken, we grow, we reap, then we sleep.  While each of us...

My Worth, the Conclusion

After looking at our bank account and counting up some change. My bride and I were figuring up what we have left for the rest of the month. We were looking to do OK this month until an unexpected bill or three and an unexpected trip to a job interview kinda wiped us out. So as we count our change, we now got an idea of how we'll do till the first. This is nothing new for us, since my last job left the country and that joke of an unemployment check stopped more than a year ago, things get a little tight sometimes. But you know, I've moved way passed the anger I had felt at my job, the economy, and at myself. To a place where one day, one moment at a time, I work toward my family goals and look for better days. Crazy right? You see, once your stripped and laid bare (figuratively, mind you) can see the only thing that's important is love and family. Because believe it or not, even if your buried in a gold casket. Your still no richer than the pauper buried in a plywood b...

My Worth to You, Pt. 2

Well this is second part in my series about myself. Other than letting the four people that usually read this know about my work qualities. I'm using this medium to "practice" a little before I go on to real interviews. So bear with me as I once again give myself a lesson in self promotion. Other than having a little talent at writing (which I was recently told is full of grammatical errors?), I like talking to people. I enjoy making conversation and that one-on-one interaction. Which is one of the reasons I felt I would be good at the profession of systems analysis. I've always liked visual puzzles.  Although, I most certainly enjoy it when things run smoothly, I've always seemed to have a knack for seeing irregularities when they occur.   Also by being an active listener, I feel I have an understanding of what it is people are looking for in a solution. One of the things that has helped me to develop this is one, my training at sales and security...

My Worth to You, Pt. 1

With the piece I wrote a few days ago about using the time we have, I got some good news last night that everything's settled with the school and now I'm in the process of becoming an official graduate. Now that that business has been resolved, two other goals can now that center stage to be completed. First and foremost is the issue of finding employment were I and my employer are happy. In my resume and my postings at LinkedIn, I hope that I am showing the values that I can add to an employer. But as with most all things, I'll probably be tweaking and refining my profile from time to time. As any other job seeker well knows, there are so many resources out there that claim to have the answer to us finding employment. Personally, I still feel it's up to us to get our faces out there so that those who seek the right employee will see us.  That being said, for those of us with what many consider unproven track records. We must rely on the skills we do have to get ...

With the Time You Have

In the situation that I am currently in, it gives me time. For many people that I know, it appears that is something they have very little of... time. I watch the news, I speak to family and friends and one thing seems to always ring true, their either out of breath, or out of time, or both. Even when I was working it didn't seem like I was working. Mostly because I liked my job. But during my work career I tried to make time for family and myself. Which is where I feel this piece is going, about making time for yourself.  Each of us has obligations in this life, either to family, work, or others. For the most part there are others who depend on us in some way. And, it is each of these obligations that chip away at a little of our time. Which to themselves may seem like a little, but when added up, can turn into a whole lot.  In my situation, my close family and friends put up with this opinion from me (obsession, if you will) of it is the idea that I have...

Pointless Banter?

I feel pretty good today, although my eyes are giving me a fit (sinuses). So staring a this screen is a bit of a pain today. Still, as with a lot of stuff happening to my body, such as it is. A few days ago I caught wind of the Trenton, NJ Mayor Cory Booker's attempt at living on foodstamps for a few days. I'm not clear on the reasons (plight of the working poor),(making smart decisions with SNAP monies), or (simply political gain), all I know is he's doing it and struggling some.  First and foremost, I give props to him for it. It is nice to see a politician learning what's it's like for the working poor. I guess the thing I draw form all this is that hopefully Mayor Booker takes away a real sense of what it is like to be in the new middle class. I grew up a child of the sixties and seventies, I graduated from high school right after the recession of the mid to late seventies in 1980. During my childhood I grew up in a comfortable suburban neighborhood. ...