Touch of Frost
Over the last few weeks there's been a touch of frost in the air. Although, I haven't really seen any on the ground to speak of, I can definitely feel it in the wind. It's about this time when you know that winter is at the door. The wind is cool, the leaves are all but gone, and the time for nature to rest is happening everywhere.
The good Lord gave us four seasons for a reason. A time to wake-up, a time to grow, a time to reap, and a time to rest. Each has it's place in the world me live on. Not only to do the job God has given them, but to let us know there is a point in life for everything. That throughout our existence there is a time for all things.
I know there are songs and scriptures that tell us these things. But, sometimes while feeling a touch of frost on our faces, we are reminded again. That all life is a journey, and that it flows through it's seasons in the passage of time. Were we awaken, we grow, we reap, then we sleep.
While each of us harries through our lives don't forget to stop and feel the breeze. No matter what time of the season you are in. Because for us our time on the blue ball is just a small point in time. Enjoy what you have, be mindful of your impact on everything and everyone. And live in your moment, it's the only one you'll have.
The good Lord gave us four seasons for a reason. A time to wake-up, a time to grow, a time to reap, and a time to rest. Each has it's place in the world me live on. Not only to do the job God has given them, but to let us know there is a point in life for everything. That throughout our existence there is a time for all things.
I know there are songs and scriptures that tell us these things. But, sometimes while feeling a touch of frost on our faces, we are reminded again. That all life is a journey, and that it flows through it's seasons in the passage of time. Were we awaken, we grow, we reap, then we sleep.
While each of us harries through our lives don't forget to stop and feel the breeze. No matter what time of the season you are in. Because for us our time on the blue ball is just a small point in time. Enjoy what you have, be mindful of your impact on everything and everyone. And live in your moment, it's the only one you'll have.
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