With the Time You Have
In the situation that I am currently in, it gives me time. For many people that I know, it appears that is something they have very little of... time. I watch the news, I speak to family and friends and one thing seems to always ring true, their either out of breath, or out of time, or both.
Even when I was working it didn't seem like I was working. Mostly because I liked my job. But during my work career I tried to make time for family and myself. Which is where I feel this piece is going, about making time for yourself.
Each of us has obligations in this life, either to family, work, or others. For the most part there are others who depend on us in some way. And, it is each of these obligations that chip away at a little of our time. Which to themselves may seem like a little, but when added up, can turn into a whole lot.
In my situation, my close family and friends put up with this opinion from me (obsession, if you will) of it is the idea that I have just so much time left. Without giving too much of myself away, I feel I have way more time behind me than in front of me. So I try and treat each moment well. Though, some may think, "not too well". But over the years, I've realized that given that we each one of us only have so much...time. Make sure you keep enough for yourself, so that what you have left give away is quality time.
But back to our time. In all the running around that you do, do you give yourself time to not think? For a lot of us, this is not an easy thing to do. But every so often if we try, look for a moment where things can be as quiet as they can, breathe and think of nothing. I realize for many who have ever done this, it is a challenge. But think of it as a meditation time, maybe even dust off your bible and read a passage. The point is much like prayer, clear your mind and listen to the silence. After a while you may find this a great way to recharge.
I guess in conclusion I'll say, stop running for a moment, breathe-in than breathe-out. Shake off for a moment whatever is bothering you. Sometimes when I've been faced with problems and questions. The solution to those problems would come to me deep in the night. Ask my wife, I'd go to sleep with something weighing on my mind, then out of nowhere the answer would come. Then I'd wake up and write down the solution and go back to bed.
What I'm saying here is, to recharge your batteries sometimes you have to let go. And from where I sit, most people are not doing enough of that, with the time they have left.
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