The Things Around Me

Cave Drawings from France I often sit here in my cheap little chair, staring at my cheap refab computer, drinking my cheap Wal-Jack decaf coffee; and I ask myself. D why don’t you write articles about living cheap? To be honest my minimalist lifestyle comes more out of necessity than a lifestyle choice. If I had the choice I’d have a place on a lake, or on the beach, or maybe on a cliff with some fantastic view of something. Instead the view I have is of a cabbage patch, a church, and my neighbors jungle of a yard (can someone say lawnmower?). My point is we all dream. Several years ago I set out to redefine my situation by setting some goals for myself. And although I had tried and failed to do this on a number of occasions; this time it was different I found the right resources and had a better mindset to achieve my goals. The funny thing about dreams is that over time they tend to change. In my case I had a pretty clear agenda set and a pretty specific idea of where I...