Imperfect Perfection

 I’d be a damn fool if I were to say loving someone was perfect act. I mean despite all my obvious flaws please don’t get me started about my wife's. Needless to say, me and her both could make a laundry list of the imperfections we see in each other. Marriage, coupling, living in sin; whatever you want to call it, being in a committed relationship is never easy. I mean it's very easy to look over at my bride in the soft morning sun and think sweet happy thoughts. It's a little harder to do that when she bursts into my office unannounced ranting one of her famous half-complete statements. Believe me it drives me crazy.

My point is love = work. And without the work, love can easily turns into tension, distrust, and even hate. Not everyone is currently in a relationship that is meant to be THE relationship; I can raise my hand and testify to that. The thing is if there's mutual commitment and respect, then maybe you got a fighting chance. There's only one perfect love and it ain't me or you. But the best reflection of perfect love is the respect, trust, and passion we show to our mate. No matter how imperfect we are.


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