Square Peg, Around Hole

 I've known from an early age, that I'm a bit of an oddball. For many reasons I was different from most of the kids in my neighborhood and believe me they let me know it. I’ve never been very athletic, well-coordinated, or even skinny; I was an asthmatic, four-eyed, fat kid, who was an easy target for the neighborhood bullies and bully-want-a-be’s. Oh don't worry Bloomingdale, I won't name names, besides most of you are dead or living in your own hell anyway.

But I digress; the point here was to discuss my weirdness. For whatever reason I never seem to fit into any of the holes they tried to pound me into. I mean I wasn't a good athlete, a brainiac; or even the blind follower of a pure moral code. I just wanted to fit into whatever hole I could find. Desperate to make a friend or at least prove to myself I was worthy of a friend; I'd pretty much agree with whatever viewpoint I heard just because they gave a moment of their time. Smiling all the while believing I my heart what they were saying was ignorant bullshit. But for a really, really long time that’s what I did just to feel I was worthy of their attention.

Hell even today I find myself playing the happy-go-lucky fool, just to appease the bullies that still walk my world. But I have to admit the varnish has worn thin in recent years; so while I may have smiled and laughed at your repulsive self's; inside your views and beliefs disgust me. Now you may ask, why am I bringing this up? And I suppose the answer would be to let you know, not everyone that gives you a smile or even a resounding amen really means it or even cares. As long as they get what they want out of you they're happy; it’s my hope that enough of you have the sense God gave a goat to know that. But apparently a lot of folks would rather believe a lie as long they get their ears tackled and their bellies filled (2 Timothy 4:3 NIV). I suppose that's just human nature, I mean who doesn't enjoy a good ear ticklin’ every now and then.

But like my Granny once said to me, “Don't pee off my porch and tell me its rain”. We are required to ask questions; like why is the sky blue or why should I hate my neighbor because of his beliefs? Children are quick studies and it doesn’t take them long to pick-up your piss-poor bad habits. So be mindful of the seeds you sow, because in case you haven't noticed weeds will choke up a garden. Maybe God didn't “bless” me like some of those bullies in my life. But he did give me enough common sense, compassion, and empathy to know; that sometimes I'm not always right and that the man down the street or even across the world is my brother, rather I like it or not.


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