My Christmas Story

Good After-Christmas morning. Yesterday was an interesting day; on Christmas Eve I text my daughter to see how the day was with her in-laws. What I discovered was she was running a fever and felt like going to the emergency room. Mind you she has a toddler, so I said if she needed to go I’d take her and her mom could stay with the grand baby. She decided to wait until the morning so we went over and watched the monkey while she went to the clinic. Long story short, our plan to come over for a few hours ended up having us babysit most of the day; much to the delight of my wife, Granny.  

Life sometimes has a funny way of turning bad news into good news. For instance, our daughter getting ill and having to watch a toddler is bad. (It's no fun, been there, done that.) But what was good was to be able to spend some quality time, if for a few hours, with our little bug. Besides whatever I lacked in giving my bride a gift, babysitting the grand baby more than made up for it in the eyes of my wife.  

I suppose if I were to put a little bow in this little Christmas story it would be. Our daughter is doing better; she has the day off to rest up. My wife is still grinning from ear to ear about watching her first and hopefully not last grand baby. As for myself, I'm tried but happy that the day actually ended up going much better than we had planned. 

Merry After-Christmas.


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