Feeling So...
Often times I lay here in bed my mind so
caught up in whatever's bothering me that it's become routine. For me to stressing about things beyond my control is a way of life. Stress can
be such a bitch to live with. In my situation it seems the things I used to
thrive on like the dreams and goals I set for myself; now only stress me out to
the point they cause physical harm. For the longest time I survived on calming
practices and downright isolation to calm my nerves. But lately even simple
things are stressing me to the point of sheer exhaustion.
You have to ask yourself, what do I
do now? The things that once worked to relieve to pressure are now less
effective. I mean I can't just drop everything in my life; there are still
people that depend on me. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to come up with any
solutions to this in one simple post. Especially since it’s my over thinking
that is at the root of the problem. At the moment I guess the best thing to do
is be proactive in trying to resolve these issues and to put aside the things
that are pressuring me.
It may not be a great plan, but it’s
a plan all the same. Still at this moment I feel better simply venting my
worries on this screen. If I’ve learned one thing in life it’s that letting
worry and fear fester within you is no way to solve your problems. Walking
around wearing a carefree smile may fool others, but deep inside yourself you
can’t hide from the pain and worry and your heart knows that. You may fool the
world, but you’ll never fool yourself. At least be giving myself a constructive
outlet to vent my fears and worries, I have one way to relieved the worry on my
soul. Whereby helping in some way the feeling so…, that can weigh on my heart.
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