Lessons in Poor Posture
I'm sitting here thinking about how bad my posture is when I sit in front of this computer. I mean first thing in the morning, it's not so bad; I can keep myself upright pretty well. But as the day progresses my back and shoulders start slouching to the will of gravity and my own laziness. It's kinda silly when you think about it; I mean I sat through all the safety classes on the value of good posture. You'd think I'd learned something instead of taking a paid nap and eating their donuts. But that's the way it is with humans we learn best through trial and error. It seems no matter how many lectures I sat through with my parents, I didn't learn a damn thing until I screwed up. Life is a series of lessons learned, and most of the time the only way we learn is through mistakes. One of my major issues that brought about my panic and anxiety is the fact that I was ill equipped to handle rejection. I have such low self-esteem that the slightest tear at ...