
Awaken again by my restless slumber I got up to pen a few lines about words to were spoken to me yesterday. Over the phone a person whom I dearly loved expressed their delight at the changes occurring in the country today. That it was there hope that the changes brought about earlier in the month would bring our country back to Christ. I remained silent as they spoke those words, because all that went through my mind was the hate and condemnation that was laced into those words of “Make America Great Again”.

I am part of a group that honestly believes they are somehow blessed or special among the people of the world. Being white, male, christian, and of English-German heritage; despite my current station in life, I’m supposed to somehow be superior? My family comes from humble beginnings, on both sides of the tree my family were sharecroppers, farms, merchants, and laborers. If anything I suppose the one advantage we had was that we were white. But according to the way I was raised, the main concern of my family was that we were poor. That race wasn’t as important as the fact that all around us black and white alike we were all just scraping by. It wasn’t instilled in me that I was any more special than many one else due to my skin tone.

I believe I have done my best to judge others as Dr. King would, “by the content of their character and not the color of one’s skin”. And I’m pretty sure that most of my family and friends felt the same when casting their ballots this month. After the shock of the election I like many have hoped against hope that the rhetoric and hate-mongering was just political and that it would stop. But as the days and weeks have passed I’m honestly more frightened than ever at the words and actions I am seeing. The swastikas and hate-filled rants I see and hear aren’t painting for me a picture of a country coming back to Christ. Only of a people who are looking for someone to blame for their own lost sense of entitlement.
I’d much rather write about picking yourself up and loving your fellow man like a brother. But somehow after decades of being in the same shit boat of getting screwed, by the powers to be; we once again look for a scapegoat. Like hungry pigs that will eat anything an uncaring framer throws our way, because we exist just to make him a dollar. Haven’t we learned anything? Coming back to Christ, I would laugh if it wasn’t so damn sad to see how the money of the world has scared us all to death. Legislating our sense of morality isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. But living a life that others want to emulate now that’s the way to change a heart, that’s been the American way for over 200 years.

It’s too late to change what has happened, but I think if we’d open our eyes and wipe away the smoke and mirrors; we can hold accountable those who think they have the power. To let them know we are no longer going to sit here and be pissed on and told it’s only raining. So when they said it’s all about the economy, that we will hold them to that and stop letting them from use division and scare tactics to hide their real agenda, making themselves a dollar.  


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