
Showing posts from 2017

A Certain Degree of Peace

While my head seems to be in a good place, my “Spidey Senses” are starting to tingle. Feeling a little discomfort, I’m hoping for the moment it’s just a panic attack. These things hit you sometimes out of the blue, but what can you do but talk yourself down. It’s funny after all these years how your mind can still race on about the “what ifs”. When it comes to my panic, my mind’s takes whatever I’m feeling and runs with it. At the moment it’s a slight discomfort in my chest. So is it real, is it not? My panic doesn’t care it’s just running with the feeling. Surprisingly enough my mind is still basically in control, which is the weirdest thing when you think about it. Because while my panic gets up a head of stream, my head will say, let’s wait a minute and see what happens. I suppose that’s what happens after 24 years of dealing with it. It’s funny in a way how this whole thing works. In a way I’ve adapted my panic into my existence. For one I use it to monitor myself ...


In June of this year I posted the last time here on Blogger. At the time I was publishing work on a number of social media sites. What decided to do was consolidate all my work to one webpage. But to be honest considering how long I have published on Blogger I didn't have the heart to just shut it down. So for a while, I'm going to restart this blog and see what happens. - FDT Seeds are usually small things they come in all shapes and sizes. The neat thing about seeds it that that one of them has the potential to produce so much. One seed of corn has the potential of creating several ears of corn. One acorn like the one you see here (left) can produce a mighty oar tree, generations beyond yourself can enjoy. I don't know why I'm bringing this up. I suppose if nothing else it's to say, ideas and dreams can start small and insignificant. But if nurtured, weeded, and watered they can grow into wonderful productive, beautiful things. Far to often we discard ide...

Trial & Error

FDT - 2017 It’s kinda sad the world doesn’t allow for trial and error anymore, it demands perfection. But in most cases even that isn’t enough. I know that for me trial and error is the only way to learn anything. I’ve learned that my first impressions are not always the best; and that without trying and trying again, you learn nothing. Sadly enough some don’t even want to try. They are either paralyzed by fear or shear laziness or both. Life cannot be lived without connection; isolation only breeds an inward withdrawal that benefits no one. And, I should know because I’ve lived it.   FD Thornton - 2017   I suppose what I’m saying here is, without at least trying, how are you ever going to know. Like what you’re good at or what makes your passions burn. A lot of people like the things, I for one write and do photography, two things which I love to do.   FD Thornton - 2017 The thing is if you don’t work at it my passion f...

Rather You See It or Not

Sunrise Jekyll Island - FD Thornton  Good morning or what's left of it. Just wanted to drop a line and tell you how things are going. After what seems like a week of hot, sticky, rainy, Southern weather; the sun has finally broke through. Day after day of either hot sticky or rainy hot stickier weather can kill a good mood. Needless to say, during this time I've been in a kind of funk, feeling a bit melancholy and it definitely reflected in my writing. But the day began with the sun breaking through and a dry breeze blowing through the house. On top of that, finally got some good news in the mail and got some much needed paperwork completed.   I suppose I'm irritating you my happy news just to say; be patient with your own situation because it doesn’t last forever. If I've learned anything about darkness it’s that there’s always a dawn. I've learned that emotions can come in like a tide. A smart fisherman or boater watches the tide, and works with it an...

Exhale & Let Go

FD Thornton 2017 I look out over the water as the lilies dance one the surface of the lake. In the distance I can hear the overflow spilling ​ over the dam, like a subdued force of nature. Reflecting on the moment I ask myself, “What can be more peaceful then this?” Life can take us in all kinds of directions.  I know that in my own life I’ve gone through several phases of living. I was bullied as a young child in school. Than became the class clown to shield the scars. Changed into a “happy-go-lucky” friend with no plans for tomorrow. Fell in love without knowing it, then ran off and married the first fool I met. Lived through infidelity and betrayal, and having to relearn to trust again. Found love again, but this time in the form of an Angel unaware. I became a Father, a provider, and an adult. Fell into an abyss, that I’m still crawling out of. Fulfilled lifelong dreams, nearly died, and became a Grandpa. Yeah it can only take a few moments to reflect on a ...

Half Past Four

FD Thornton - 2017 Right now I got Bill Evans playing on my headphones and while I feel a certain amount of contentment, the world feels oddly in limbo. Almost like it’s waiting for the other ​ shoe to drop. Recently I stop by to chat with a friend, but they were far too busy to talk. They were knee deep into their latest project to stop. But that’s alright, we get like that sometimes, we get so wrapped up in our own little thing we forget. Forget that the point of it all this is to live, laugh, and enjoy each other. To connect and just be. Still we move around busying ourselves with whatever we think is important. I did this myself for a really long time, jumping from one project to the next. Never making time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. You may ask have you finally been able to reap the benefits of all that running around? The answer would be, No. Instead I brought myself some time lying flat on my back wondering when, if ever, I’d catch my next breath.  Se...

Never Let Yourself

FD Thornton - 2017 At this point in my life I should be satisfied with where I am and with what I am doing. But to be honest, my feet never seem to settle for long in one place. That may sound a bit contradictory considering I’ve lived in the same place 20 years. But when I say I never settle it’s more a spiritual than physical thing. Ever since I started taking steps the better myself in the early 2000’s. Slowly but steadily I’ve been making progress towards becoming who I always knew I could be. For most of my life I wondered in a kind of desert. Simply going round in circles, never ending up where I thought I wanted to be. This track continued right up till about 15 years ago, when I started to actually make head way towards becoming a better me. It basically began when finally​ I started achieving goals I set for myself and then it snowballed from there. The road hasn’t been straight and there have been plenty of setbacks. I suppose the real epiphany occurre...