
I know I've told this story a least a thousand times, about how I moved my family out west to the mid-state and that over the years our little family has become part of the area. Yet for the most part, I still remain a stranger in a strange land. It's been 23 years since I left Savannah and even years before that, I had lost a lot of my roots. So here I sit, a little smarter, maybe; a bit wiser, hopefully; and a hell of a lot older, definitely. So why after so many years do I feel the pull of wanderlust yet again? You'd think by now I'd a put down some roots. But hell my kids have more roots in the ground then I do. It's not for lack of trying; it's just that every time I feel some roots growing; they get yanked up like a weed. I often think of my story's not much different th a n my Uncle Mack’s, in that he for so long desired to put roots down, but never really did. I mean he'd live in one place for a while, even decades, then he'd ev...