I know I've told this story a least a thousand times, about
how I moved my family out west to the mid-state and that over the years our
little family has become part of the area. Yet for the most part, I still remain
a stranger in a strange land. It's been 23 years since I left Savannah and even
years before that, I had lost a lot of my roots. So here I sit, a little
smarter, maybe; a bit wiser, hopefully; and a hell of a lot older, definitely.
So why after so many years do I feel the pull of wanderlust yet again?
You'd think by now I'd a put down some roots. But hell my kids
have more roots in the ground then I do. It's not for lack of trying; it's just
that every time I feel some roots growing; they get yanked up like a weed. I
often think of my story's not much different than my Uncle Mack’s, in that he for so long desired
to put roots down, but never really did. I mean he'd live in one place for a
while, even decades, then he'd eventually pull up stakes and move on. Maybe
that's the way I am, I mean I do have that blood running through my veins.
Still at the same time the blood of a good provider and
homemaker flows, so why the wanderlust? I'd like to think it's because of the
potential I still see in myself. But given my track record of failure,
realistically that's nothing more than a pipedream. I mean shit, I'm more than
a half-century old with no place to call my own and not enough stuff to fill
the back of my Ranger. My life screams temporary resident.
The real burden comes from the fact that other lives depend
on me to somehow lead them through the darkness. But in this situation, it's no
more than the blind leading the blind. Oh, I can put on the bravado of someone
that knows what the hell he's doing. But honestly, sometimes I'm scared out of
my mind.
The moral of this tale is we are all get scared. For some of
us the process may last a lot longer than for others. But for us dreamers the
pot of gold is always just over the hill. So when we consider putting down
roots it can feel like we’re giving up. So until I get over my fear of missing
out, here in purgatory I will stay.
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