Drunk Texting
As usual I was up around 3am so to pass the time I checked for
updates on Facebook. While there I noticed one of my nephews stationed overseas
was active on Messenger, so I sent him a little Happy New Years note. While on
Messenger I noticed one of my dear friends was also active so I texted her.
She's been sick so I sent here a note asking how she was. Her reply looked
like a drunk text, but I’m sure it was the medication talking, so I replied for
her to get some rest and that I loved her.
It's not strange to feel pain when you know a loved one
isn't doing well. The emotional bonds that bind us can have a strong pull on us
even when we are not the one's actually hurting. I suppose it's like the grief
and emotion Debbie Reynolds felt when her child Carrie pasted. Emotions have a
funny way of centering us back to the important things in life. The connections
we have and the bonds we forge over time can have a strong physical effect on
us, even over great distances apart.
For a long time I’ve depended on medication to survive the
storms that go on in my head. While early treatment kept me functioning, it
robbed me of the emotional balance we need to be empathetic and compassionate.
What it left we with was decades of lost opportunities to experience the real emotions
all humans face. I'm sure that some may feel living without strong emotional
ties might be a good thing. But in reality the numbness robs you of the simple joys of life
like the beauty of art or the warmth of human touch.
It took a number of years to find the right balance of
medication and cognitive therapy to get me at the point I am today. I'll gladly
admit it's been a stressful, emotional and uncomfortable period of time getting
reacquainted with those feelings. But in the long run, being able to feel
passion, emotion, and empathy again has out weighted the discomforts I still
My point to all this is, don't allow cold hard reality rob
you of what you know is right. We were built to be empathetic to the pain and
sorrows of others. Having those values snuffed out like dying embers, only
creates more suffering and pain. So don't be afraid of embracing your emotions,
they are after all a part of you. Also don’t allow yourself to become so
cold-hearted that you refuse to empathize with others pain. My emotions were
robbed from me by things outside my control. But to willfully ignoring your
emotions is tragic indeed.
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