Before Opening the Door

A relative of mine was telling how they were stressing out at work and were worried about taking that stress home with them. That note reminded me of how much stress we all bring home from work or school. And how, if we're not careful, can allow that stress to tear apart the one place that should be our sanctuary, our home.

 After being in the workforce for 30 years, I can safely say stress from work has increased a number times over since I started working full time. And if your one of the fortunate few that work and go to school, Lord help you. Over the past several years, I've been lucky to learn stress coping techniques from some of my employers, especially when I briefly worked in corrections.

One of the main things I remember was to realize after a bad day the need to decompress. That your loved ones at home are not the cause of the work related problem, nor are they your punching bag. Other than drinking yourself silly at the nearest "happy hour" (which can cause a lot more trouble) here's a few things I've learned, and could remember myself sometimes.

1. Either at work or first thing when you get home. Pull off that work-related uniform. Now this may sound logical for someone in an actual uniform. But even if your in a suit and tie or your best heels and skirt change into your home team colors, your comfy jeans, sweats, whatever. I find the for me after a day of meetings, switching out of the "monkey suit" is better than a three-finger cocktail. 

2. Exercise. For those who are active, I don't have to tell you how important this one is to your mental state. Some businesses provide gym equipment to their employees, so take advantage of it. For others it could be a walk around the block and spin on the bike. Sweat is a great de-stresser. 

3. Make time for your family. This one works because I've used it. After a stressful day, My wife has never not lent me her ear to allow me to vent. Not to cuss her out, but to vent about a situation calmly. And while you are at it, be a sounding board for her day too. Another important thing is make time for the kids. This can go hand and hand with exercise,  believe me kids can wear you out and their laughter can make you forget all about those idiots at work.

4. Quit making excuses. If you know your stress is causing problems at home then fix it. Use some of these suggestions, come up with your own. Just realize that one blow-up at home can become two real fast. Remember, to decompress before opening the door. 

Realize these are simple suggestions. If you feel the problem is deeper, don't hesitate to seek professional help. 


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