Who Knows?
It’s been a rough few days for me. As you may or may not know, I’ve been wearing a portable defibrillator/heart monitor. But the damn thing has been going off lately due to a bad connection to my skin. This makes the defibrillator warning tone go off, especially when I sleep at night. As may you have figured out, this hasn't been helping me sleep. Anyway, I got that situation fixed yesterday so I finally got a decent night sleep last night without any alarms. Still I woke up this morning feeling a bit bloated, bloated to the point where whatever I put on just "felt" like it was strangling me. Have any of you ever felt like that? It happens to me every now and again. So I decided to change back into my sweats. So why am I even mentioning this, who knows? I suppose it's to say, there are times when our thoughts can affect us in different ways. That we can become so sensitive to our own body sensations that at times it can pull us away from the more critical task...