Music in Me

If you were to ask me where my love of music began, I’d have to say in the womb. From the beginning I was surrounded by music although neither of my parents were musicians. I suppose most of the credit should go to my mother for putting the music bug in me. At no stage of my young life can I recall music not playing in our home. At first it was whatever was playing on the radio that filled the house. In later years as my parents grew more religious the music changed, but there was still music. My musical tastes run the gambit of music from my early exposure to popular hits, from rock and country, to my indoctrination into religious and southern gospel music. But even listing those genres doesn’t cover the variety of my musical taste. I often find myself laughing at the algorithmic programming of Amazon and Spotify when they try and narrow in on my musical taste. Simply because my musical taste it can vary with the wind. As my wife can tell you, one night bluegrass might be pou...