Not Worth A Damn

I sent most of yesterday troubled, stressed as it were by both internal and external forces. It seemed no matter where I turned, the relentless pressures, of the day were gathering around me. In those situations I usually have few avenue’s of escape. So I just end up laying here and waiting for the moments to pass. Used to I was pretty good at ignoring these things away. But for the last few years my defenses have broken down and my once stoic attitude, now gives way to a more agonizing fear. A fear that when stoked hard enough has caused me physical harm. It’s not worth a damn living under a cloud of fear. It destroys whatever confidence you may have built. It erodes away the life you are wanting for yourself and for those that depend on you. I suppose it is the few strands of stability I have left that help me carry on. But lately even those are straining under the pressure. More than anything I feel tried and exhausted. My moments of strength and bravado are fewer and harde...