Into My Head & Out My Ears

You know, I had a good idea for a post this morning. The problem is I went online to school, made coffee and breakfast, then watched some of the news. And, I did all this before picking up my laptop and going to this site. Oh well. 

It's amazing some of the things that can go on inside your mind, the thoughts that can walk through and pop out. It's nothing new for me to be thinking of a problem during the day and in the middle of the night the answer comes, like it was there all the time. Yet at the same time, I can have a brain frat and not remember the simplest piece of information, like one of my kids names.

I think my point here is I worry that all I've learned in school is simple spilling out of my ears, the longer that I'm not working. I fear that the things I pick-up on are rusting away the more I sit here. If I wasn't so damn far in the sticks, I'd take an apprenticeship position, just to stay sharp. 

But I only have a few more weeks left till graduation. I know I could be hard at it looking for a job now. But, the problems I run into are that one, most applicant software kicks my resume out due to lack of a bachelors degree, and two, job search takes from my class time. That might seem like a poor excuse but it is true for me. 

So while I sit here thinking of what the great idea was I was going to write about. I guess I'll just finish up these random thoughts before they to pour out my ears too.


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