
Showing posts from December, 2013

Enough Reflecting Already!

Depending on what you do for a living, having these two holidays on Wednesday is either a blessing or a cause. For me it's a little of both, because when I need to find a client or call on a business you're rolling the dice as to rather they're working or not. So needless to say, I've had a lot of downtime these two weeks.  With the amount of free time I've had you'd think I would be spending time with family or a hobby or something. Well the problem with that is my family (our four) are grown and are doing what they have do. As far as hobbies, most all mine are outdoors (nature photography, hiking, and gardening) and it seems like it has rained the entire two weeks. So what I'm I left with? Reading and writing my blogs.  The problem here is the last two posts I made were pretty much my thoughts for the season and the upcoming New Year. So I feel I've done enough reflecting already. Thankfully, my dear wife is never without things to do. And, she sug...

A Thousand and One Blessings

Other than the obvious gifts we receive this holiday season, there are at least a thousand and one more gifts we over look that make the season truly bright. Things like each and every sunrise get to have without a second thought or the simple acts of kindness that are sent our way we never know about.  We should be thankful for the gift of life our parents gave to us, through whatever means it came, by being able to breathe life it is a gift. Let us also be grateful for the gifts we have stored away. Because, however you look at it, what you sow is what you will reap.  Be happy for the gift of being able to see beyond the physical, because life is so much more than what is in front of you. Stay mindful of the gift that despite what you believe good can be found in the hearts of all man, if they accept it. Then don't overlook the great capacity in all of us for love. Finally, don't forget that all your blessings all come from one source. A s...

Year in the Rearview

Over the past year I've talked about obstacles and facades and overcoming this or that. It has been my goal to hopefully help someone to do better for themselves. It seems for the past few decades my life had taken an about face. Where the concerns of me, me, me, gave way to us, us, us. But now that the time to let those investments spread their own wings has come. I've more or less have turned to advancing my cause. Still as a partner and parent you never really give up that nurturing sense of yourself. Which I guess is why I write these little pieces to hopefully encourage others. As I look back at the years in rearview, I've met a number of the goals I set for myself. Each of those goals may not have been perfectly executed but the fight stayed within me to get them done. While on my journey I have met many goals, but the ambition to do more still drives me. Is the reason for this to prove something, maybe? Maybe the proving is to myself. To that voice...


You know I usually write about stuff I'm either familiar with or stuff I've have gone through. So being the creature of habit that I am, this should be no different. On a number of occasions I've written about overcoming and fighting through whatever it is you're going through to reach a goal in your life. Given that fact and seeing that most of the time I'm a "one trick pony" the word obstacle came to my mind when staring at this blank screen.  I looked up the word  obstacle  and funny thing, it means "something that obstructs or hinders progress" . ( Thank you, ) That definition really stuck out to me, mostly because for the word progress. I never really thought the definition of obstacle would be written quite that way. In other words to have an obstacle is to have something stopping your progress. Maybe we should play a game called, "Count the Obstacles". Where each of us writes down the obstacles in our lives tha...

When an Investment Pays Off

Back In 1987, I met and married my perfect mate. Not that me or her have anything in common, but when your in love you risk the investment. During the next few years,\ we had four kids, two girls and two boys. As each one grew up they developed their own personalities and unique qualities. Me and my wife have never been very well off, mostly we've spent our time and money making sure our kids had what they needed. An investment in the future you can say. Well, all our investments have completed high school and although it's not been a perfect road each has or is trying their hand at continuing their education. Unfortunately for me and my wife we've only been able to provide the bear essentials during this time. But one thing we hope that we have given them is the drive and will and example that you can do anything thing you want. Just make an investment of your own in your dreams. Well one of those investments is paying off, with the graduation of my youngest girl. She ...

Comparing Facades

From the time we are kids to our last breath on earth, we compare ourselves to others. Who reading this hasn't looked through Facebook and thought, "Man, I wish my life was like that."  Who hasn't looked across a neighbors yard at the perfectly manicured lawn, the 2.1 cute kids, the well trained dog, the hot wife, and hasn't thought, "Man, why can't my life be like that."   Well if you haven't, I sure as hell have. Especially, with the poor self esteem I battle with everyday. I look at Facebook and think who has time to stay that perfect. Well, I have a secret to tell you. Most of those people you look at so enviously, they have problems and insecurities all their own. The reason I know this is because I ask.  Through the years I've had the insane honesty to ask people I thought were "perfect", how they lived such a charmed life. Now mind how I do this a bit tongue-in-cheek, but honestly it's to really see how people I admir...

Tried of Being Tried...Is There Such a Thing?

In a month, during a week, on a day that should be pretty good, I'm exhausted. It seems the pep I used to have gives out a bit more than it used to. The refocus I once depended on has given way to, "oh no, not this again." Being one that's so used to restarting myself, lately the engine has flooded, and all I can taste is gas in my carburetor. So what do you do? First thing I tell myself no crazy life moves. Don't go and dye my hair or get a large tattoo. Accept the moment for what it is, a moment. Than walk away for a while and breathe some clear air. As these lapse of reason come more and more, I can't help but wonder. Are these hiccups in the road or giant warning signs I'm not paying attention to.  While some of my thoughts are leaning toward the tiger and serpent tattoo, my rational mind looks for the center. That place where I can let myself go and find myself here and now. To discover what it is that's making so tried. To find what it is t...

Death of the Perfectionist

One of the hardest things I had to let go of is my unending need to be a perfectionist. In my work, in my social life, in my personal life, I've worked to be a perfectionist. I've been doing it so long that I got into a nervous fit when things don't fall my way. And, it was this nervousness that at times has paralyzed me from doing anything.   A lot of people out there may think perfectionism is a good thing. That pushing to better yourself and the challenge yourself can take one to new and better heights. But when it becomes a dominating force in your life where you find no self worth without it, then it becomes a problem. So when you get to this point what can you do? For one you learn to let go. A while back I got caught up in putting a paper together for an Instructor. As usual in trying to make it perfect, I allowed myself to get lost. Thankfully, I did get the paper finished, although it was late. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to get a good grade, but to my...

An Army of One

During my academic career I've been left holding the bag a few times. In team situations you usually start out with four or five team members. Then you set-up a list of procedures, you figure out each one's role in the project, then you hit the ground running. Well as you all well know, that last for about a week.   Slowly but steady the efforts of others on the team starts to fall. Till pretty soon you become a one man/woman team. No matter what material you have read on team building, to some degree it usually happens. One person is either driving the project or doing the project or both.  Now I don't mind taking the lead on a project. In fact while an undergraduate, following the same group of students through my major studies. I kinda became the go to guy to get projects done. But this is a learning situation and my school pushes team study. So why do so many seem to hate team course work?  In the working world team work is a dynamic you usually deal with e...