Comparing Facades

From the time we are kids to our last breath on earth, we compare ourselves to others. Who reading this hasn't looked through Facebook and thought, "Man, I wish my life was like that." Who hasn't looked across a neighbors yard at the perfectly manicured lawn, the 2.1 cute kids, the well trained dog, the hot wife, and hasn't thought, "Man, why can't my life be like that." 

Well if you haven't, I sure as hell have. Especially, with the poor self esteem I battle with everyday. I look at Facebook and think who has time to stay that perfect. Well, I have a secret to tell you. Most of those people you look at so enviously, they have problems and insecurities all their own. The reason I know this is because I ask. 

Through the years I've had the insane honesty to ask people I thought were "perfect", how they lived such a charmed life. Now mind how I do this a bit tongue-in-cheek, but honestly it's to really see how people I admire did it. To my surprise though, I usually end up getting told a story not unlike my own. Of someone who battled insecurities and problems that even I didn't have to battle. 

I suppose the moral to this is, no matter our background or upbringing, we all struggle in some way. Each of us has a journey we have to face, with our own unique set of problems. So tomorrow when you open Facebook and see those perfect smiles, remember. Behind most facades are situations not much different from your own.     


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