Tried of Being Tried...Is There Such a Thing?

In a month, during a week, on a day that should be pretty good, I'm exhausted. It seems the pep I used to have gives out a bit more than it used to. The refocus I once depended on has given way to, "oh no, not this again." Being one that's so used to restarting myself, lately the engine has flooded, and all I can taste is gas in my carburetor.

So what do you do?

First thing I tell myself no crazy life moves. Don't go and dye my hair or get a large tattoo. Accept the moment for what it is, a moment. Than walk away for a while and breathe some clear air. As these lapse of reason come more and more, I can't help but wonder. Are these hiccups in the road or giant warning signs I'm not paying attention to. 

While some of my thoughts are leaning toward the tiger and serpent tattoo, my rational mind looks for the center. That place where I can let myself go and find myself here and now. To discover what it is that's making so tried. To find what it is that keeps killing the spark in my soul.

So as each of you sits at your desk, or cubical, or corner office, allow the thought to escape. It's okay. Because tried of being tried is a real thing. So when that feeling hits you don't ignore it, accept it for what it worth. Then remember your only human. We each walk one step at a time, just like ever one else. Than hopefully, in that quite hour, you can relight that fire that was burned out.          


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