
Over the last few weeks I've been discussing some of the things that have gone through my mind, and some of the things I've been doing to help motivate and change my thought process. From a process of harmful patterns to a more helpful mindset that has lead me achieve the success I have today.

While I believe in keeping a realist attitude about where I'm, sometimes that mindset can lead to self-criticism; which in turn is the gatekeeper to depression. Now I've never been much on self-affirmation, I was always the one that thought "hang in there baby" posters should be burned. Still, there is a place for believing in yourself even if you have no evidence to prove you can. 

I'm slowly learning optimism is not a dirty word. That trusting your own ability to achieve goals is okay. Remember me saying I'm a realist? Realism can be a two-way street. In one lane the traffic is flowing with the understanding of what you're limits are and how much you can actually do. In opposite lane, you have the boundless potential to take mere dreams and turn them into reality. That is the balance I try to keep, between what I know and where I want to be. 

So as I close this little droplet of wisdom, remember. Don't allow yourself to be hampered by what you see in front of you. While at the same time understand that there are limits, but that limits are can be pushed when potential grows.  


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