Wearied Thin
This past few weeks have been tough, usually we ride along okay. But for the past ten days we've seen some trouble rase it's ugly head yet again, making us long for easier times. It seems like such a long time ago, when things were a bit simpler. When the work was good and plentiful and it seems we didn't have a care in the world. But that was many years ago, and for the past four or five years things have gotten tougher. Decisions that had been made are now being questioned. While the direction of our lives wants and needs to change, yet life won't let it. It seems we are caught in some crazed loop of never ending barely making it and missing the brass ring. The best way to describe how I feel is that I'm wearied thin. The word wearied has two meanings on Dictionary.com . First is "to make or become weary; fatigue or tire" , and the second, "to make or grow impatient or dissatisfied with something or at having too much of something." ...