Just In Our Nature

I try and not make fun of or criticize others political or religious views when I speak to them. Because I think others should be treated with a degree of respect you would want to be treated. Now what I may think privately or among my peers, is my business. I'm simply saying in public be respectful.

With the explosion of social media, much like this forum. For whatever reason most feel it can be open season on individuals whom don't think as they do. Maybe I'm just of a different generation. Maybe I was taught to be respectful of others. But when I studied critical thinking, I learned a lot about the deflections and trips others can set to throw off a civil debate. 

Whatever happened to using the best idea to solve a problem no matter what side of the political fence it came from? In both a work and academic situations, as a team we worked together to get the job done using the best ideas from the group. None of us were just alike, with school teams we may not have been from the same part of the country. But in each situation we overcame differences and worked together on a common goal. 

With that said, why do our leaders have such problems working together? I mean it's so bad, there is a bridge down the road from me that's half-finished because of the insane fighting going on in our capitals about budgets. When the people we elect are more concerned with what they will get, instead what needs to be done, I just don't know. 

Here's where respect for others comes in. Why does there have to be such ill will or harsh words said even if what is being proposed is a good idea. When did the word compromise become a dirty word? Is it just in our nature to hate and be mad if we didn't win? Is power that important that it trumps providing for those that elected you? Each day when I drive down a road that needs repaving or ride on that old bridge next to it's half-built replacement. I'm reminded of what happens when we quit being respectful to each other. 

I'm off my soapbox now.      


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