Simple Reminders

Simple Reminders - Sandra Burnsed I was a little slow getting up this morning. I woke up around 4 am last night and had a little trouble getting back to sleep. I wrote something while I was half-awake, so I can't wait to read it in the light of day. What I will say about my experience last night was that it was not the usual "shock & awe" wake up experience I have. Instead it was actually kinda nice. For the past few weeks I've been dreaming dreams of loved ones long gone. And to be honest, some were a little bittersweet, but most were quiet pleasant to experience. I try not to make too much of dreams anymore, that was my mom's department. She was very much into trying to find a "sign" anywhere she could. For me looking for a religious symbol in whatever I could died out a long time ago. I simple see dreams as a way for the sub-conscience to find explanation in the things that occur. I believe our minds can sometimes get in the way of living....