Making Time

I don’t know what I’m feeling today, other than passively watching a movie and then listening to a podcast. I suppose it’s just one of those days where I have to shut off my mind. Every so often we have to do that, just go on autopilot for a while. And today was just as good a day as any for that.
No matter how simplistic you try and make you life pressure still puts a squeeze on you. I know that for me I often worry about things that are beyond my control. Things like the weather or the way other else feels about me. But all any of us can ever do is simply take care of ourselves. We can’t control anyone else’s opinion, really. We have to walk by faith that we are doing a good enough job to be appreciated.

So on this quiet Sunday afternoon, all I can really tell you is, take care of yourself. After that the rest is gravy. You can’t live your life in the service of someone else, unless you’re looking after yourself first. There’s nothing selfish in that it’s just good common sense. I can’t expect my truck to take me anywhere unless I take care of it. So be a little smart, make some downtime for yourself and cool your jets. Worry and overdoing it are not the way to relax. Shutting down and making time for yourself are.


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