Needed to Get Done
It’s funny, it’s feels as if the day hasn’t really started, yet it’s 3:50 in the afternoon. Lisa and I have been up since 7 am, me getting her pills divided up for the week, while she put on a load of laundry. Well three loads of laundry, a grocery store run, spring cleaning the office and bedroom, and here it is 3:55 pm.
I guess busies what you make of it. For some reason the whole day hasn’t felt busy, it just needed to get done. So I took each task as it came, divided it up and got my ass to work. Of late I’ve felt very lethargic, I can often trace this back to my health issues. But recently it’s been deeper than that, going back to my mental health issues. No energy to complete anything, mental fatigue, and just plain sitting around for hours doing nothing.
My moods often ebb and flow like the tide. It just seems this time around it bothered my conscious more than usual. Who knows what tomorrow’s going to feel like? Will it be pumped like today? Or another slow ride on the “Debbie Downer” train? Either way you do what you gotta do. I try to not get too mad at myself when projects don’t go as planned. This philosophy doesn’t often work with my book publisher. But for us creative types, it makes for a good excuse.
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