When it's Time to Detox

You know, I can only take so much technology, information, and people in general. Now don't get me wrong, I love technology, learning new things, and being around people. It's just that at some point you need to find the off switch. 

I grew up just outside Savannah, Georgia and although I watched my world go from black and white to color TV, from antenna to cable to satellite back to antenna again, and from pagers, to cellphones, to desktops, to the Internet, to smartphones, to tablets (try saying that in one breath). I even saw men walk on the moon become routine (at lest for a while). 

I guess what I'm getting at is, while we are still tribal creatures who need social interaction. We are also beings that require time for reflection and soul-searching. Which is why after a time of information gathering and social interaction. I also need time introspection, to look at how things like technology, information, and people, are effecting me. 

In the title I used the word detox, which at first I felt was a bit harsh for the subject matter. But after looking up the word, it fits better than I thought. Due to the idea that detox is the clearing or ridding the body or mind of poisonous things (Dictionary.com). Which is something I do every so often. 

So I guess my little "moment of Zen" for everyone here is, don't get overloaded, we all have limits. Letting go of things is OK, you can do that. And, sometimes you have to put "you" ahead of "them". It isn't easy, but with no you, you cannot help them. 

So learn to let go.


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