Dog Days

As I'm sure you all have figured out it's the dogs days of summer. I did a little silly research and found that the dog days are between mid-July to mid-August in the "Dog Star" Sirius is brightest star in the summer night sky. But no matter what the Sun's out and I'm burning up. 

The sad part is last year where I live in South Central Georgia we were going through a heatwave last with temps above 90 degrees most of the summer. This year it seemed the temperature dropped during the spring and it rained, and rained, and it rained. It only started to get hot a week or two ago. Even with temperatures no where near last year's I'm burning up, a friend of mine in Arizona said, "it's just the humidity", ha, ha. 

So I don't know if it's me or the humidity or what, that's got me hating this summer. Like that county song, "too hot to fish, too hot to golf", all I can do is sit in this office and try and cool off. You see, my home is very old and has no central air (which accounts for the long rent) and windows that have died over the years. So were limited to three rooms with A/C, but even they can cut it when the temp's over 90.

I guess my point, besides bit*hing about the heat is, as the legend of Sirius states, "the Sea boiled, the Wine turned sour, Dogs grew mad, and all other creatures became languid; causing to man, among other diseases, burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies." (Whatever a phensies is.)

So be careful, keep cool, drink plenty of water, stay away from dogs, and try and not get too hysterical. Although, you may really want to.  


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