Facing the Negative

Awhile back I wrote a post on people and their negative attitudes towards life called, Negatively, Speaking (1/5/2013). In it I told about how others including myself, used cynicism to justify our poor attitudes on life and other people. For many years I used negativeness to justify things I thought I couldn't change. But for the past five years I've fought very hard to reach goals I only dreamed about just a short time ago. 

What I'm going to discuss here has to do with being negative, but being negative in a slightly different way. You see, it was the negative internal voice that brought on cynicism. The internal voice that tells you you're no good or not worth getting that dream. It was that voice I have to face down even to this day to achieve what I know I can achieve. 

You may ask, what is your secret to facing down that voice? What is that you do to kill it and carry on? I guess the best way to tell is that I simply walk through it and face it. A good example could be today, at first the day was going ok. But after breakfast I felt that old tightening and quickening of my breathe. I knew what it was and what it wanted was to steal my day. After trying to fight it alone, I decided enough. So I put on my shoes, combed my hair, grabbed my keys, and went to town. 

I did the exact opposite of what my body was telling me to do. I didn't hide in fear away from the world, I ran straight toward it, and you know what? I was ok, the trip wasn't perfect, but it was ok. When those nagging voices try and rob you of your goals, face that fear. It doesn't have to be some grand gustier like jumping from an airplane, for some of us just opening the blinds is facing fear. All it takes is that first small step. 

So as each of us deals with that negative that resides in us. If that negative is keeping you from something you know is good, face it and feel the anxiety of it fade. Now I don't prescribe this a the cure all for the situation you may face. All I can say is in my life standing face to face with the negative allowed me to walk right past it. 


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