Focused Here, Wondering

Living your life "in the moment", isn't a bad thing. In fact for most it's a wise move, by focusing your energies on the moment, you can open your mind to all kinds of solutions. Solutions you may not been able to grasp with a wondering mind. 

The reason I bring this up is, for a very long time I have allowed my thoughts to wonder. While doing this for a while has allowed me to experience and explore many different areas of life and the world. But it also may bring about a rambling of too many ideas and thoughts, that when packed tightly together, seem to impede my focus and drive.

It's the idea of this wondering that has bought me to an interesting point in my life. How do I continue to enjoy the playfulness of my wanderlust. While working on the advanced forms of business decision making, I have been trained and work to do? Can these two disciplines work together in me?  

I hope I haven't lost anyone? It's been several hours since I wrote those words above. But my question remains the same, can there be a balance between daydreaming and focus on the moment? 

You know, I certainly hope so. I enjoy tearing away from the thoughts of the day. It's then that I often come up with the solutions that plague me when a problem stumps me. Then again, I have had moments when going over and over a situation has caused me to have a eureka moment of discovery and understanding. 

I hope your still with me here. Maybe the key is learning your own internal stress limit. To be able to tell yourself, "It's time to walk away." Now don't think I have an instead answer here, because I don't. Just like you, I have to keep up with my internal gauges. To see where my head's at in that moment. 

So hopefully the point to this long-winded thought is, all portions of our lives have a balance. And, it's up to you and me to find that balance, so we can not only perform well, but to dream well too.     


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