Plan Your Arguments

It's been a while since I posted, but when you don't have a lot to say it's usually better to keep your mouth shut. When you do that, you tend to stay out of trouble and out of the cross-hairs. Sometimes especially in heated situations we find ourselves saying things that are best unsaid. Today, I don't think it's that we fire off our mouths more than we did in the past. It's just that we have more opportunities to do so then we did a few years back. 

Think about it, before the Internet we had to write a letter to the editor or whomever it was we disagreed. So if we took that much time and effort, we usually planned out your argument to get our point across. Unlike today, where a few keystrokes can get your F@#$-You across the planet in a matter of seconds.

So with that much power to argue or disagree, wouldn't you think we should be that much more careful with the way we disagree? Think of it like this, I've been married very close to 26 years, if you count our courtship it's even longer. Now many don't know this, but my wife and I have "heated" discussions pretty much everyday, as many other partners do. Through the years we've realized most of what we say is BS to each other. And, we don't take most of what the other says to heart. 

But in office or even political situations the same may not hold true. In that arena what was to be said between friends in the heat of the moment, becomes something entirely different in public. I guess the thing is, be mindful of your heated words and ask yourself those this really need to be said here and now. Before you open your mouth or touch that key. 

We live in an exciting age, where information can be moved at the speed of light. It's just that at this same moment our minds and hearts haven't caught up with the delivery system. So be mindful of what you say to each other. You may save yourself a whole lot of apologizing later now.  


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