Getting Things Done, At My Own Pace

It's a dizzily Saturday afternoon and my teams playin' a little football. But the day isn't all leisure, I got a report to write for Monday and some other stuff to catch up on since I lost Friday to doctor's (don't ask). So after taking some time last night to recoup and sleep, I got up this morning ready to "hit the bricks". 

But you know what, right now I work for me. And while things can get behind, at my age I've learned most projects are a marathon and not sprint. So that's why I'm saying get things done but at your own pace. If you can pace yourself and make forward progress everyday, your already ahead of the pack. Take my Friday as an example, I kept my appointment times, It was just unexpected delays that pushed those appointment times 2 + hours over. And I don't know about you, but just being in doctors offices wear me out. 

Still, when things like that happen and your schedule is sent to hell and back, don't panic. Simply regroup and create another plan. Which is why I'm here. I pushed back this report to today, but I'll take breaks to watch the game. And as a bonus, because it's Saturday, my phones not ringing. So remember, work is important, also eating and paying bills are too, those things usually go hand in hand.

But at the same time, so is pacing yourself. You see, letting yourself go crazy when a deadline can't be met, will only produce more crazy. By letting go of those delays, you can think with a clearer head and re-pace yourself. Then possible find other mistakes you may have missed if you kept on rushing through.      


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