Respect & Listening
For as many years as I can remember, I've been told I was a good listener. And for many years I've been a kinda sounding board for any number of friends and acquaintances I've had over the years. So while I have a "gifted ear" for listening, some of the qualities of a good listener are a genuine concern for the one speaking, a non-judgmental attitude toward what's being said, and the patience to let them speak their mind.
The reason I mentioned these qualities is because my grandmother on my mom's side possessed all these qualities and more. So when I'm told I am a good listener, it is her that I hold as a standard. It seemed to me that no matter what you had to say or to "get off your chest" with her she listened, and you always knew you were loved.
My point for mentioning this is while I hear discussions on television or over the Internet or in person, you may hear one side of the discussion. But hardly ever do you hear the flip side of the discussion with the same amount of respect. For me, what it is that you end up listening to is a whole lot of noise. Which in the long run wins no one to your side, only a whole lot of anger and hurt feelings.
It is these situations that leave me just remaining silent. Not because I'm afraid to argue, but because the act of arguing hardly solves anything. Especially, on the public stage. I feel the fragmentation that has pigeon holed us individually, has put us into specialized camps where we don't allow ourselves to be exposed to others ideas or beliefs.
Think of it this way, the great Dr. Seuss wrote a story about a group called The Sneetches. If you recall your children's literature, there were star-bellied Sneetches and plain-bellied Sneetches. While the story revolved around one group feeling superior to the other. In the end they discovered the differences between the two were less than what they held in common. So my point is, as humans why aren't we looking at the common ground between us instead of the differences.
Through respect and listening and not worrying about who's side is right on a particular issue. How much stronger would we be as a people right now, if we all thought like The Sneetches and listened like Grandma.
The reason I mentioned these qualities is because my grandmother on my mom's side possessed all these qualities and more. So when I'm told I am a good listener, it is her that I hold as a standard. It seemed to me that no matter what you had to say or to "get off your chest" with her she listened, and you always knew you were loved.
My point for mentioning this is while I hear discussions on television or over the Internet or in person, you may hear one side of the discussion. But hardly ever do you hear the flip side of the discussion with the same amount of respect. For me, what it is that you end up listening to is a whole lot of noise. Which in the long run wins no one to your side, only a whole lot of anger and hurt feelings.
It is these situations that leave me just remaining silent. Not because I'm afraid to argue, but because the act of arguing hardly solves anything. Especially, on the public stage. I feel the fragmentation that has pigeon holed us individually, has put us into specialized camps where we don't allow ourselves to be exposed to others ideas or beliefs.
Think of it this way, the great Dr. Seuss wrote a story about a group called The Sneetches. If you recall your children's literature, there were star-bellied Sneetches and plain-bellied Sneetches. While the story revolved around one group feeling superior to the other. In the end they discovered the differences between the two were less than what they held in common. So my point is, as humans why aren't we looking at the common ground between us instead of the differences.
Through respect and listening and not worrying about who's side is right on a particular issue. How much stronger would we be as a people right now, if we all thought like The Sneetches and listened like Grandma.
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