Teaching Myself

In 2007 or so I decided some changes had to be made; these changes involved my financial, career, and personal situations. If you have read my posts in the past, I'm sure you've read about each of these ventures and the victories and struggles I've had with each one. And, that is very true, without some defeats you never know what victory taste like. 

As I sit here and begin with this blank screen I wondered what additional thoughts I can add to this tale. What other nugget of myself could I tell about that would help open the eyes of others who walk this same road. 

I guess one of the things I can add is the fact that no one begins this journey on their own. By that I mean, each of us was taught or observed someone was on this tract before us. It may have been a teacher, a parent, or maybe someone we read or heard about. However, the seed was planted in most of us the seed sprang forth and became what it is. 

So I guess the simple moral of this brief post is, what seeds are you spreading to point to a better you? Do you mentor? Do you provide an example? Are freely giving of yourself to others? 

What good is success if that success is hoarded for yourself? The Christian Bible calls Love Charity. When I think of that word, I think of giving. So how do you lend your support? Do you give it away or do you hoard away? That might sound like a strong word, but I think it fits. Simply because, if each of us learned or observed others to grow, how can we hide that "lamp under a basket"

Teaching myself, is learning to give as much as you received.


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