Strength in Numbers

I'm sure I've mentioned this a time or twenty, but most every morning a attend an online group therapy session if you will. It's for people that suffer from basically the same anxiety issues that I do. Most of the time I just pour out my honest feelings on the forum and while I don't usually get too many replies. I get the satisfaction of having a place to "spill my guts". 

This morning after my confession I checked into the introduction forum were newbies often go to get their feet wet and introduce themselves. While their I noticed a post from someone who suffers depression and has an Autistic son along with three other young children. It reminded me of my wife and I's situation with our own family and having a special needs child. 

So I stopped for a moment and offered him some words of encouragement. Without trying to write him a handbook on raising an autistic child, I simple told him to do the best he could and to love them equally. My point here is pretty simple, and that is to say there's strength in numbers. So don't be so foolish to think you'll make it on your own. Create a support system around yourself of people that want you to be successful and happy. Lord knows, these people don't have to be perfect, they just have to have your back. 

For way too long I kept my fears and anxiety to myself clanging to them like a security blanket. But while I thought I was protecting myself, I was actually doing more harm then good. Building walls is good to protect you from outside harm, but if they are there is keep emotions in check or hide weakness, then what good are they? The outside may look great but if the inside isn't maintained then it's just going to fall apart from the inside.

So build a team of individuals around you that have your best at heart and don't do afraid to be human.     


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