
Rather we realize it or not we all wake up in the morning trying to decide which mask we are going to wear that day. For some of us it’s a pretty easy decision for others it’s a little harder to choose. Either way we shake off the sleep of the evening and firmly secure the mask we want the world to see. Masks can make life easy for instance putting on a poker face can hide you cards during intense negotiations. The thing is masks are not meant to repair any damage you may feel. They are simply a temporary fix for a given situation.

For the longest time I would wear the mask of a confident leader or a jovial friend; while deep inside I was broken, hurting, and afraid. Recently I had a heart to heart with a dear friend of mine. Despite our light-hearted banter, I knew they were hurting and needed a friend. After a long time we got down “to the brass tacks” of the situation and for a brief moment my friend really opened up about what was going on. Like I said, masks can be a temporary fix for a given situation. But if you try and wear that thing for too long it tends to get uncomfortable and cumbersome.

I’m not suggesting we should all go around wearing our emotions on our sleeve. Lord knows I couldn’t even if I tried. What I am suggesting is find an outlet for your emotions and feelings. For me writing has been a great tool to vent my anger, sadness, and even my joy. Another tool I use is music; while I don’t perform anymore, I do enjoy putting on my headphones and sending hours listening to whatever strikes my fancy. The point is give yourself a point of release for whatever pressures you’re feeling.

For far too long I wore my mask to the point that it just plain wore out. Leaving my raw emotions exposed with no way to mask or relieve the pain. Don’t try and carry on like nothing is bothering you. Find a release point. Don’t let the fear of appearing weak or less than rob you of leading a peaceful life. Wear your mask when you need to but don’t let the façade become a cover up for things that need real repair.  


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