Not Paying Attention

FD Thornton - 2017

Recently a friend from home has been catching me up on the people and faces I haven’t seen in a while. It’s funny how when you’re not paying attention, time has a way of reminding you life moves on. Like when you discover a kid you remember as a teen, now has a married son and daughter-in-law. Or a band mate you once jammed with has passed away before their time. Yeah life moves on. And the people you once shared hopes and dreams with, keep on dreaming even when you’re gone.

I don’t mean to make this sound so melodramatic, but it is what it is. Even here in my little refuge, time waits on no one. The kids are all grown, and the grandkids are starting to pile up. I’ve noticed a lot more grey peppered through my hair and the threshold of another decade is looming just over the hill. Usually we march through life unfazed by these things, mostly because we are so busy. But when it comes to someone you hadn’t seen in a while, the realization of time can be quite dramatic.

I bring this up because we get so caught up in doing, we often forget about living. Life doesn’t have to be one “long and winding road”. It can be enjoyed in small bite-sized pieces that can be savored and appreciated. This is the mindset I try and use when visiting with friends. My bride is really good at it, getting down on the floor and focusing wholly on the grandbaby when we visit. You miss so many things when you’re around. I suppose it’s a bit easier for us considering the slow pace of life me and my wife live. But shouldn’t that mean those of you with a more hurried pace, should cherish your moments even more? 

Don’t allow living to take up all your time. Every so often try living in the moment. Lie on the grass and watch the clouds pass. Sit quietly and just watch the grandkids at play instead of following them around with a camera. Let a moment burn into your memory and not on your hard drive. Not every thought or conversation has to be documented. Just keep them in the private file of your heart. Live life instead of life living you. Be a reflection of what you see and take in the moment as it happens.


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